hlídání psů
Visiting cat Beruška
Beruška lives with his friend Pixikem. She was afraid at first, but eventually with me and cuddle and play. She was happiest when you lie down with a full…
Beruška lives with his friend Pixikem. She was afraid at first, but eventually with me and cuddle and play. She was happiest when you lie down with a full…
Beruška žije se svým kamarádem Pixikem. Beruška se nejdřív bála, ale nakonec se se mnou i mazlila a hrála si. Nejšťastnější byla, když si s plným břichem lehla a…
Older cat loves company, but rather it uses from afar – I was left scratching his head and back, but it never lasts too long. Every time I am…
Starší kocour, má rád společnost, ale spíš si ji užívá z dálky – rád se nechá drbat na hlavě a na zádech, ale nikdy to nevydrží příliš dlouho. Pokaždé…
Thai princess Oui with beautiful blue eyes. Constantly talk to you and I also cuddled. Likes his pink fluffy toy, with which you play lasted almost an hour and…