hlídání psů
Yorkshire terier Nelly
Nely is a nice little female Yorkshire, resting most of the day huddled on some comfortable spot. During the time when I wath her, she loved she was patrolled…
Nely is a nice little female Yorkshire, resting most of the day huddled on some comfortable spot. During the time when I wath her, she loved she was patrolled…
Nely je malá a hodná fenečka yorkshira, většinu dne odpočívá zachumlaná na nějakém pohodlném místečku. Během doby, kdy jsem jí hlídala si oblíbila rohožku s botami- asi z nich…
Místy is a young female of auvergne pointer. It’s a huge cudlle, which puts her head on lour leg. Outside, everything must sniff and explore like a good hound….
Mišťulka je mladá fenka auvergénského ohaře. Je to ohromný mazel, který si na Vás položí hlavičku a nechá se hladit. Venku musí vše očmuchat a prozkoumat jako správný ohař….
Tonda is a lively dog that loves company. He love lying near your legs and sleep. … in the meantime, before taking him out 🙂 This is shown by…