Bunny Kubicek is for his age (7 years) very active and nimble. He likes to explore new surroundings. When you lie down on the couch, while skitter around and then pop out to you and lie to you and let you fondle. The real pet.
Bunny Kubicek is for his age (7 years) very active and nimble. He likes to explore new surroundings. When you lie down on the couch, while skitter around and then pop out to you and lie to you and let you fondle. The real pet.
Black-tailed prairie dog even though it is a little chubby, it is incredible to what small slits to cram as taste. Very clever animal with incredible persistence and passion while for something anyway. Where can, come out, where can it depends. He likes running around and exploring outside the…
Jackie je miláček, co se venčí jedna radost v bytě o ní člověk ani neví, našla si chladnější místo v bytě, kde byla dlažba a chladila se v tam v horkém počasí, vždy když se probudila hlavou do člověka šťouchala tak dlouho dokud jsme ji nezačali drbat a hladit…