Philip is a beautiful seven-year beagle who knows and likes playing hard to get, if not for his 🙂 On walks needs a firmer hand, but once you get used to and adapt their mazlichůvě is very good. It is for every evil, but also (and just) because his…
Philip is a beautiful seven-year beagle who knows and likes playing hard to get, if not for his 🙂 On walks needs a firmer hand, but once you get used to and adapt their mazlichůvě is very good. It is for every evil, but also (and just) because his…
Filip je krásný sedmiletý bígl, který umí a rád dělá drahoty, když není po jeho:) Na procházkách potřebuje pevnější ruku, ale jakmile si zvykne a přizpůsobí své mazlichůvě, je moc hodný. Je pro každou špatnost, ale i (a právě) proto ho jeho majitelé zbožňují!
Rico is very hyperactive minibulík. He loves jumping and all sorts. It may be his reflection in the mirror, which sometimes wonder why with him the other dog does not play or any stone bench and outside, on which you can jump out and where better view than from…