Sebastian is one year old puppy. He love cuddling with any peaply, but he dont like another dog due to bad expirience. We went to lake whitch fascinated him :D.
Sebastian is one year old puppy. He love cuddling with any peaply, but he dont like another dog due to bad expirience. We went to lake whitch fascinated him :D.
Pejsek se jmenuje Sebastian a je mu rok. Bylo to děsný mimino, mazel… jen nesměl moc k pejskům. Měli jsme se spolu fajn, vyrazili jsme na chatu, chodili k rybníku, který ho mimochodem moc fascinoval 🙂
Migmig is very funny guinea pig. She is abble to say that she want somenthing. Everytime food 😀 She start whistellings before you give her what she wants :). She love her pease in room. In outside cage she explore everetihing in the outher cage.