Mimi is a real pussy cat lady. At her age is very lively. He has diabetes and must take a daily pill, but which it does not matter because it is in excellent meat. 🙂 She lives together with her younger friend Spunky.
Mimi is a real pussy cat lady. At her age is very lively. He has diabetes and must take a daily pill, but which it does not matter because it is in excellent meat. 🙂 She lives together with her younger friend Spunky.
Nelly is small stafbull sweetheart. She loves sticks, which wears out everywhere with me and I with them being dragged. It is cuddly, to caress you and will come no matter what you are doing. Snuggle and allowed to fondle and then give you a kiss. He falls asleep…
Nellča je malé stafbullí zlatíčko. Miluje klacky, které venku nosí všude s sebou a ráda se o ně přetahuje. Je mazlivá, pro pohlazení si přijde a je jedno, co zrovna děláte. Přitulí se a nechá se hladit a poté Vám dá pusu. Usíná v posteli, odkud se pak ovšem přesune do…