Bibi is a very lively and playful dog. She loves long walks, from which many times does not even want her home. Likes running for sticks and above all loves water. The other dogs and people are very friendly.
Bibi is a very lively and playful dog. She loves long walks, from which many times does not even want her home. Likes running for sticks and above all loves water. The other dogs and people are very friendly.
Bullmastiff Max may mislead its massive appearance, but it is a great cool one that has a mind of his own. On walks, all carefully sniffs a long and often think of them as took home the trophy caught stick.
Bulmastif Max může klamat svým mohutným vzhledem, ale je to veliký kliďas, který má svou vlastní hlavu. Na procházkách vše pečlivě a dlouho očuchává a nezřídka si z nich jako trofej odnáší domů ulovený klacík.