Browsing Tag

walk a dog


hlídání psů

Watch beagle Annie

By on 8 ledna, 2015

Annie is king girl. She is very curious. She have to pry everything. And like a lot of beagles she love food.


hlídání psů

Walk Oskar

By on 7 prosince, 2014

Oskar is kind dog. When you come, he will be smile on you. Ho love walk and catch stiks. After he enjoy to go home for dinner.

Oskárek je milý…


hlídání psů

Walk a dog Dar

By on 7 prosince, 2014

Dar is very sympatic dog full of energy. He is funny with his big ears with it he cat move :D. He love walk and catching mouse.


hlídání psů

Walk a beagl Filip

By on 4 listopadu, 2014

Philip is a beautiful seven-year beagle who knows and likes playing hard to get, if not for his 🙂 On walks needs a firmer hand, but once you get…


hlídání psů

Walk cane corso Stella

By on 9 září, 2014

Stella is very kind, playfull and obedience girl of cane corso. When you come you get a kiss. She have a big heard whitch is all her owner.