hlídání psů
Individual petsitting Nelly
Nelly is small stafbull sweetheart. She loves sticks, which wears out everywhere with me and I with them being dragged. It is cuddly, to caress you and will come…
Nelly is small stafbull sweetheart. She loves sticks, which wears out everywhere with me and I with them being dragged. It is cuddly, to caress you and will come…
Tim je velice hodný a hravý pejsek. Neustále by chodil na procházky, doma se rád přijde pomazlit nebo si spokojeně kouše kostičky. Když se unaví, zaleze si do pelíšku,…
Tim is very nice and playful dog. By constantly went for a walk, in home comes to cuddle or happily bites cubes. When he get tired, he crawls into…
Jarmilka is lady in years and unfortunately has problems with joints and do not go too well. Legs not bend at all in the joints, so if running on…
Jarmilka je už dáma v letech a bohužel má potíže s klouby a moc dobře nechodí. Nožičky vůbec neohýbá v kloubech, takže běhá jakoby na chůdkách. Na procházky ji…