For petnanny

Looking for new petnanny

Do you love animals? Small, big, hairy, bald …? You can not buy your own? Now you can take care of the animals and in doing so, earn more. We are looking for girls, boys, young men, women and men who have a good relationship with the little animals and should be of interest to take care about them. For example, walk the dog, feed the cause hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, chameleons.

Arrange the baby animals, or walking the dog.

Prefer time flexibility, pet guard even your home overnight or for home owners. Experience with dogs, cats and other animals welcome.

Work is performed under contracts for work with an hourly wage derived from the agreed services. The agreement may be required to prove criminal records.

If you are interested in becoming our mazlichůvou, fill out and send us this form FORMULÁŘ PRO MAZLICHŮVY.
For questions contact us at

Statement work up hours to download HERE