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Watch cat Mici

By on 1 července, 2013

Mici is tabby cat. It is wonderfully behaved and obedient. Because she is very shy and wary, she dont want to go sit on your lap. But like cuddling like all cats, so it says on their own. In the morning, she is stretching on the carpet. She likes to tickle behind the ears and on the back. She likes bags, plastic bags and anything to what you can get in to a shelter and then happily watch the world.

Micinka je drobná mourovatá kočička. Je úžasně vychovaná a poslušná. Protože je trochu plachá a ostražitá, sama si na klín sednout nechodí. Ale mazlí se ráda jako všechny kočičky, tak si o to řekne po svém. Nejpřítulnější bývá ráno, to se protahuje na koberci a nechává se s oblibou